Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Conrad Black – his role in promoting Crossrail! What does Conrad the conman have with overly prompted British alleged leftist Michael Foot? ....

Review of the CROSSRAIL hole plot backing, Big
Business touting British media - the case of the Guardian as 'edited' by Alan Rusbridger -

Conrad Black – his role in promoting Crossrail! What does Conrad the conman have with overly prompted British alleged leftist Michael Foot? And how does the overly sold liberal paper the Guardian is so effective in promoting Big Business Crossrail racist hole plot on the East Ends of London ? Why there is no difference between the allegedly overly rightwing Daily mail and the allegedly not so rightwing Guardian? Both are organs of lying for racist empire abroad and racist denial at home. As is shown by their backing of the Crossrail hole attacks plots on the East End of London

By Muhammad Haque
2300 Hrs GMT London Wednesday 21 March 2007

Today’s coverage, in the like of the Daily Mail media
group, of the alleged trial allegedly begun in the USA
this week of Conrad Black, the Canadian crook who
was made a member of the British House of Lords by
the Tories, may mislead innocent observers of the
British media into thinking, even for a short period,
that the other ‘media barons and tycoons’ are NOT
like the Crook Conrad or his awfully abusive and
racist wife Barbara Amiel.

Such thoughts would be very wrong.

The facts are that for as long as there have been
‘newspapers’ in Britain, they have been party to
backing one of the other of the key holders of power
in society over the ordinary people.

This is why the otherwise arguable case for
recognising one time Labour Party leader Michael
Foot’s contribution to the cause of a fair society in
Britain is lost when it is recalled that Foot has been –
and remains on the record- one of the most
pathetically embarrassing praisers of British media

And this is a great shame.
Incidentally, MICHALE FOOT’S object of praise, the
proprietor of the Daily Express in his time,
Beaverbrook, was also another Canadian conman!
For what is most essential in this society - and I say
by universal extension of the principle in any society
anywhere else in the world today and in the
foreseeable human future - and what is not available
for the majority of the people in society is a media that
tells the truth about what is actually being done in our
name by those who hold the various positions of
power in our names at any given time.
The London Guardian has been plugging for London
‘mayor’ Ken Livingstone for almost the entire time that
Livingstone has been seeking and holding ‘local
political offices’ in the capital. Which is longer than 30
years now.
The Guardian’s John Carvel in fact went so far as to
‘author’ a promotional ‘book’ eulogising the liar of
London in the 1980s whilst Livingstone immorally held
the office of leader of the Ghastly Livingstone
Conspiracy [GLC].
But nothing that even the Guardian lyingly did in the
30 years compares with the criminally dishonest way
the news outfit has been promoting the liar’s latest
tool for Big Business.
Crossrail is a seriously flawed project, which is being
promoted at the expense of the already seriously
deprived and obstructed communities in London so
that Livingstone can get even richer by his touting for
Big Business.
The Guardian has been one so-called serious British
paper that has afforded the Crassrail uncritical, onesided,
anti-social plugs and promotions.
Given the role that the Guardian has played in
backing racist imperialistic assaults on the targeted
parts and regions, countries and communities across
Asia and Africa, it is not a role that the pernicious
Guardian is playing in an exceptional way.
This is the role that the Guardian has played most
effectively: create a veneer of alleged liberalism in
selling the most poisnous and racist and corrupting
projects for the benefits of the forces of evil that hold
way over the occupied parts of the world.
In the case f the Crossrail hole onslaught on the East
End of London generally and on the Brick Lane and
Whitechapel and Stepney London E1 area in
particular, the Guardian is engaged in pursuing such
a multifariously contradictory set of objects that in fact
contain definitive evidence of the historic racist role
that the former Manchester Guardian played and
today’s plain Guardian [and the increasingly
perniciously power-grabbing Guardian Online,
significantly designated ‘Guardian Unlimited’] is
In this role, the Guardian is at one with all the key
racist pontiffs at large on the world via the BBC and
the rest of the ‘British media’.
The language sued in and via the Guardian may vary
in degrees from that sued by its more overtly racist
collaborators and colluders. But the essential role
being played by the Guardian in inventing new
excuses for racism and in reinforcing old ones
remains the same.

And this is so violently present in the Guardian’s
pursuit and promotion of the Crossrail hole plot that
the subject will be given the full treatment in this

[To be continued]

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